সর্বশেষ আপডেট

জে.এস.সি পরীক্ষা (JSC English 1st & 2nd Paper Writing Part Suggestion 2016)

JSC Suggestion 2016 (Dhaka Board)

English 2nd Paper 

Section B: Marks:20

Question No-9: Marks:8

Formal Emails:
1. To your friend about your preparation for JSC.
2. To your friend inviting him to join the marriage ceremony of your sister / brother.
3. To your friend thanking for nice birthday gift.
4. To your friend inviting to spend summer vacation in your village.
5. To your friend inviting to attend the picnic.
6. To your friend on annual sports day at your school in which you have participated.
7. To your father asking fro some money.

Formal Letters:
1. Request for a transfer certificate as your father transferred.
2. Request for a seat in the school hostel.
3. Request for setting up a computer club.
4. Request for detting up a common room.
5. Request for increasing common room facilities.
6. Request for buying more books for the school library.
7. Request for arranging a reading room.
8. Request for relief materials & sending medical team for flood affected people.
9. Request for seeking permission to go on study tour.
10. Request for opening a canteen.

Question No-10: Marks:12

1. Your aim in life
2. The game you like most
3. The season you like most
4. Your favourite hobby
5. Importance of reading newspaper
6. Wonder of modern science
7. Science in every life
8. Television/ Uses & abuses of television 9. Your daily life
10. Duties of a student
11. Your childhood memories
12. Value of time
13. Journey by boat
14. The birds of  bangladesh
15. Newspaper

English 1st Paper 

Part B: Marks:40

Question No-10: Marks:10

Dialogue Writing:
1. With a friend on your aim in life.
2. Between two friends on merits & demerits of mobile phone.
3. Between two friends on the importance of reading newspaper.
4. Between you and your friend about your preparation for the JSC Examination.
5. Between you & your friend about the dangers of smoking.
6. Between you & your friend about how to improve english.
7. Between you & your friend about your favourite hobby.
8. Between you & your friend about the bad effects of illiteracy.
9. Between two friends on the necessity of physical exercise.
10.  Between two friends about gardening.
11.  Between two friends on an exciting football match of FIFA World Cup-2014.
12.  Between two friend about early rising.

Question No-11: Marks:10

Paragraph Writing:
1. The importance of learning english
2. Load Shedding
3. Traffic Jam
4. A street accident
5. A village fair
6. A tea stall
7. Tree plantation
8. A school magazine 9. Your homeland
10. Your favourite teacher
11.  Computer
12.  Our national flag
13.  A rainy day
14.  A winter morning
15. Your school library

Question No-12: Marks:10

Story Writing:
1. Once two rats found a loaf of  bread…….
2. Once a lion was sleeping in a forest…….
3. Once upon a time on a hot day in summer……
4. There were two friends. They lived in a……
5. Once a very hot day a fox came to a vineyard……
6. Once three was cowboy. He was very wicked……
7. Bayzid was a small boy. One night he……
8. There lived a woodcutter in a village……
9. Once there was a hare. He was proud……
10.  Once there was an old farmed who had……
11. There was a pond full of frogs……
12. Once there lived a cleaver……
13. Once a beggar come to……
14. Once some mice were having a good time……

Question No-13: Marks:10

Informal Letter Writing:
1. To your friend thanking him for nice birthday gift.
2. To your friend describing your aim in life.
3. To your friend congratulating on his/her brilliant success.
4. To your father/elder brother on your preparation for the coming examination.
5. To your friend telling about the importance of learning english.
6. To your friend describing your favourite game.
7. To your friend describing what you intend to do after JSC examination.
8. To your friend describing your plan on how to spend the summer vacation.
9. To your friend describing the picnic you underwent.
10. To your friend describing the sports day of your school.
11. To your friend about your hostel life.
12. To younger brother advising to be sincere and attentive to his studies.
13. To your friend thanking hin for their hospitality during the stay in their house.

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